Interested In Raising Chickens? Here Are Some Common Myths About Chicken Farming, Debunked: Part 2
August 13, 2015
Chicken farming is undoubtedly one of the most interesting and fastest growing hobbies available due to increased sustainability and eco-friendly efforts that are emerging in the farming industry. In the last post, we talked about some of the most common chicken farming myths. However, there are plenty more that need to be addressed! Here are even more myths about chicken farming any hobbyist should be aware of.
Myth: You can't get eggs without a rooster.
As a common misconception, this myth has definitely been busted. Without a rooster, hens will lay unfertilized eggs, which are just like the ones you buy at the supermarket. In fact, a 12x12 inch nest box is all that is needed for a chicken to lay her eggs. You should know, however, that some chickens may be more comfortable laying eggs in metal chicken nesting boxes over rollaway nest boxes, or vice versa, simply due to comfort. All you need to do is to be patient and accommodating with your chickens and they'll start laying eggs in no time.
Myth: Chickens carry diseases.
This is an outdated myth. The truth is, chickens are perfectly safe to be around and can actually help keep your yard clear of other potential disease-carrying creatures. Lisa Steele, the creator of the famous Fresh Eggs Daily brand, explained to the Columbus Dispatch, “Chickens don’t carry any more risk of disease than a dog or cat. In fact, they love to eat ticks and other pesky critters known to transmit diseases like Lyme disease, tapeworm and heartworm. While salmonella can be transmitted to humans through poultry dander and feces, simply washing hands after handling the chickens keeps the risk of infection minimal.” So with this in mind, there is no need to worry!
Myth: Chickens are loud.
The old cliche of roosters crowing to wake up the neighborhood as soon as the sun rises is fortunately greatly exaggerated. In reality, the clucks and crows of chickens don't generally exceed 65 decibels, which is an average volume of normal human conversation. There are plenty of other causes of noise pollution that far outweigh the barely noticeable clucks of chickens, so fear not your rooster will not wake the neighborhood.
Ultimately, chicken farming is a hobby that many people end up loving -- even those who may have been hesitant to try it in the first place! Debunking these common myths is the first step to understanding the truth behind the activity and if you would like more information about metal chicken nesting boxes, contact our professionals at Best Nest Box.
Click here to see the nest box in the picture below. - Best Nest Box
Click here to see the chicken coop starter kit.
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